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TIMELESS Essential Oils

Carrot Seed (Wild Carrot), Organic

Regular price $8.50 USD
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Pure, Therapeutic Carrot Seed essential oil (Wild Carrot), Organically Grown

Product Description

Botanical name

Daucus carota L. carota

Extraction method / Source

Steam distillation / Dried seeds


Dry, sweet, fruity, warm, earthy

Note classification


Odor Intensity


Key constituents

Carotol, beta-pinene, alpha-pinene, geranyl acetate, trans-beta caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide and many trace constituents

Plant description

Botanical family: Umbelliferae or Apiaceae

Wild Carrot is an annual herb with multi-branched green stems reaching up to 4 feet in height, and produces feathery green leaves and umbrella shaped arrays of flowers which develop into seeds. As the umbel (seedhead) matures, it curls inward, forming a cup. Unlike the edible carrot, it has a tough, white, inedible root. Wild carrot is native to North America, Europe and Asia.

Regions of Production

France, India

Growing Practices

Organically grown.  Plants are tested after harvest for purity.

History / Fun Facts

Wild carrot is known by many other names, including Queen Anne's Lace, Bird Nest Weed, Bees Nest, Devil's Plague and Fool's Parsley.


Antiparasitic, antiseptic, carminative, cytophylactic, depurative, diuretic, emmenogogue, hepatic, cellular regenerator, vasodilatory (Battaglia, 2003)

Uses / Benefits

Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, oily skin, wrinkles), detoxification, water retention, liver problems. A natural vasodilator, it tends to lower blood pressure. Carrot Seed essential oil promotes regeneration of damaged liver cells and skin cells. Also used in making natural perfumes.

Fragrant influences


Modes of Administration

Topical: bath, compress, massage, skin care)

Inhalation: Direct inhalation, diffuse

Blends well with

Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, all citrus and spices


Nontoxic, non-irritating, non-sensitizing. Use with caution if you have low blood pressure.


This information is for educational purposes only. It has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease and should not take the place of evaluation by a qualified health professional. Although we strive to provide information which is accurate and up to date, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.


Pure essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts. Do not use them undiluted, or in the eyes or mucus membranes. If applying an essential oil to the skin, always dilute it with a proper carrier oil and test on a small patch of skin before applying to a large area. Do not take them internally except under the direction of a qualified professional trained in Aromatherapy. Always familiarize yourself with the safety, contraindications and proper preparation of each essential oil before use. Note that when using essential oils for children and the elderly, very low concentrations should be used. Keep all essential oils away from children and pets.


Battaglia, Salvatore, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, Second Edition, 2003. The International Centre of Holistic Aromatherapy, Brisbane, Australia

Cooksley, Valerie Gennari, Aromatherapy: A Holistic Guide to Natural Healing with Essential Oils, 2015. Floramed Publishing, The Woodlands, TX.

Falconi, Dina, Earthly Bodies and Heavenly Hair : Natural and Healthy Personal Care for Every Body, 1998. Ceres Press, Woodstock, NY.

Green, Mindy, Natural Perfumes, 1999. Interweave Press, Loveland, CO.

Hampton, Aubrey, Natural and Organic Hair and Skin Care, 1987. Organica Press, Tampa, FL.

International Fragrance Research Association, (January 5, 2016)

Schnaubelt, Kurt, The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils: The Science of Aromatherapy, 2011. Healing Arts Press, Rochester, VT.

Tourles, Stephanie L., Hands On Healing Remedies, 2012. Storey Publishing, North Adams, MA.

TIMELESS Essential Oils - Authentic Aromatherapy Source:  We guarantee the purity and quality of all our therapeutic oils.  The current Certificate of Analysis is available upon request.  All essential oils are best stored in an airtight container away from heat and light.